Catholic flux

Brother Sun, Sister Moon review

When I first started this blog, I didn’t really have much of an idea about what I would post here but I did know that I didn’t want to do something that other bloggers do better. That rules out a blog about movies, since the blogosphere already has that covered.

But, I’d like to post my thoughts on a lesser-known film that I’m not sure many other blogs will pick up on: Brother Sun, Sister Moon (Fratello sole, sorella luna). The film follows the life of Francis of Assisi, an idol of mine and my confirmation Saint. I always think of him like the Che Guvara of the old time because both recognised the injustice within their respective societies and took action rather than overlooking it. Of course, the action they took was radically different; Francis chose peace, whereas Che used a more violent approach… different times, perhaps? Either way, both great guys for having the balls to stand up to an unfair system.

Che1 Che2 Che3
Che4 Che5 Che6

After that brief, slightly psychedelic, Che interlude let’s continue…

The start is pretty poor, we see someone that we assume to be Francis, stumbling in through a set of village gates and the community rushing to help him. Turns out he’s ill, so his mum and the women of the town put him in bed and it’s then that we see a series of clips telling us what’s happened. I think it’s supposed to make us reflect, but it just doesn’t work – the clips go on for too long and it’s boring.

Francis is poorly in bed

Fortunately, the film perks up as Francis does. He sees a bird on his balcony railing and fumbles out of bed, scampering after it across the rooftop. The locals think he’s a bit loony, but his rich father plays this down. This is pretty much the film’s set-up; Francis’ peaceful, simple life of embracing nature versus the life of people like his father.

Francis after a bird

People I’ve spoken to seem to rave about the soundtrack, but honestly I don’t see the fuss. It’s so-so, not bad but not good. Donovan’s performance in the Magner’s Irish Cider advert is better, but then again I don’t know much about music so I’m probably missing something.

The Wikipedia page for the film notes that “Brother Sun Sister Moon attempts to draw parallels between the work and philosophy of Saint Francis and the ideology that underpinned the worldwide hippie movement of the 1960s and early '70s” and it’s glaringly obvious. The story seems to have been bent to fit the motive behind the film, for example I remember reading in a book that the local Bishop was really supportive of Francis but the film portrays him as a greedy man who couldn’t care less. While I know this isn’t true, I can just see the hippies of the 1970s flocking into cinemas and buying it all. Seriously, is it any wonder why the Roman Catholic Church doesn’t have the best rep?


However, I’m not pedantic enough to let a few inaccuracies ruin the film for me and, I’ll admit, the film was good. Two parts are particularly poignant; the cloth scene where Francis ends up painted in the colours of the rainbow (links to hippie movement) and the ending. I’ll not describe either here because I’ll not do them justice and it’ll ruin the story for you!

Francis colourful!

Oh, it’s worth mentioning that along the way Francis picks up a girl called Clare who’s pretty hot in a weird kind way. She was 18 at the time, she’s 54 now… hmm. 

Claire and Francis chatting

What’s my verdict? Because Francis is my saint, I liked it. If he’s not yours then it’s still worth watching but you might want to save off buying it and rent it or wait for it to be shown on TV.

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